The Official Website of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs


Section 11.17: Transition Rules
(1) Project Without Previous ENF.

301 CMR 11.00 shall apply to any Project for which no ENF was filed prior to the effective date of 301 CMR 11.00, unless all Agency Actions for the Project were taken by each Participating Agency:

  • (a) prior to the effective date of 301 CMR 11.00; or
  • (b) within 60 Days after the effective date of 301 CMR 11.00, provided that the Proponent and each Participating Agency certify in writing to the Secretary that the Proponent filed a complete application and that the Participating Agency completed its review of the application for each required Permit or Financial Assistance prior to the effective date of 301 CMR 11.00.
(2) Project With Previous ENF.

301 CMR 11.00 shall apply to any Project for which an ENF was filed prior to the effective date of 301 CMR 11.00, except that 301 CMR 11.03 shall not apply to any such project and 301 CMR 11.10(3) shall not apply to any such project until one year after the effective date of 301 CMR 11.00.

REGULATORY AUTHORITY 301 CMR 11.00: M.G.L. c. 30, ยงยง 61 through 62H.

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